The Pooch Pageant 2021Written by: Lauri-Leah Momberg
On Sunday the 05 December 2021, Woodrock Animal Rescue hosted their very first Pooch Pageant.
An event like no other, celebrating certain special individuals in the collective pack of Woodrock’s canines. The midday event was all about the pooch participants who have unfortunately been in a shelter long enough to become part of the furniture or pooches that had tear- jerkingly sad origin stories and were oftentimes overlooked when suitable families came to adopt. 
31 dogs were escorted by the dedicated Woodrock handlers along the catwalk, to strut their stuff on the runway show! 
The dogs seemed to have an absolute ball and beamed with pride, some really put their best paws forward - coming into their own in the spotlight. The highlight for many attending the show was seeing some of these pooches parading with their foster parents and one special adoption story had a foster mom crying on stage in absolute gratitude to have met her forever baby through fostering which led to a foster fail, but adoption success story – the ultimate cherry on top. 
TINASTOMPIELUCKYMITZIIt was a beautiful event too with celebrities like Miss Teen International, Megan Leigh Van Der Walt and Mr Deaf South Africa, Darren Archer adding to the glamour as well as an impressive turnout by the Woodrock Animal Rescue and PUP POP UP community.

The event was also the inaugural event at Woodrock Animal Rescue’s new “Sundown Lapa” which has been put up specifically for awareness events like this and kept everyone dry and happy on a drizzly Sunday afternoon.
10 of the pooches found their forever homes and despite the weather not playing ball- the event was phenomenal and truly one for the books. Next year Woodrock hopes to have an even grander pageant with more successful adoptions for the special cases, the ones that leave giant paw prints on your heart.
STELLA MELDAUAnd check out the beautiful feedback from Stella Meldau – cofounder of Woodrock animal rescue had to say about one adoption on the day!

“Koki, after 5 years in our shelter our beloved Koki finally has a soft bed to sleep in with a new mommy who loves her dearly. Her adoption was not without obstacles but thankfully her new family have been fully committed to her and stuck by Koki’s side.”

“We at Woodrock would love to thank Koki’s heroes from the bottom of our hearts. Our chunky girl has a special place in all our hearts, and we know she finally can go to sleep knowing tomorrow she will wake up in a warm loving home and the shelter is finally in her past.”