The “Water Man” from KenyaCailin FourieWhen we encounter a situation in which we are powerless, oftentimes the inability to affect change is what sticks with us. Now dubbed the “Water Man” a farmer from a small town in Kenya refused the accept what seemed like a hopeless situation and has proven the adage of “Where there is a will, there is a way” to be true.
Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua hails from a remote village situated close to Tsavo West National Park, in Kenya. In 2016 they were battling a terrible drought, leaving the National Parks wildlife ambling about lifelessly in despair. This was not the first time that this region has experienced severe drought and stifling heat. After seeing a buffalo desperately sniffing a dried-up water source, Patrick said he was moved and touched deeply.

He refused to allow our contribution towards climate change to affect the animals, so he decided to construct a plan.

Starting off by renting one truck, that he rented using the little money that he had, Patrick drove to the national park armed with a 30 Gallon tank of water. The pure intentions that this initiative was based on, lead to bigger things for this life-saving water works. A lady in America came across a video on Facebook featuring his kind-hearted actions, and she decided to fundraise on his behalf. Fast forward a few years, and Patrick has now bought his own truck which has opened up new wildlife conservation possibilities.

This much needed exposure has helped Patrick to make his water-delivery service to the four-legged friends, a regular activity.

Before publication of this article Patrick sadly passed away.

The heroic actions of Patrick don’t stop there. He has now embarked on a project where he builds dams to ensure regular rainfall is captured and able to provide life-giving water to Kenya’s animals. Along with this, he has also installed solar-powered pumps which enables animals some distance away to have access to water. His operations have now expanded drastically, but luckily, he has the help of volunteers and 2 drivers who assist in ensuring that water is provided for the animals.
His love for animals and devout care paired with taking personal responsibility for climate change which he has experienced getting worse over the last few years has led to an even bigger expansion of his passion project.

Patrick now has an official fundraising campaign which can be accessed from his website linked to his organisation:
The Mwalua Wildlife Trust

Not only has this incredibly initiative brought new life and hope to the area’s wildlife, but it has also had a positive impact on their economy. This area relies heavily on tourists for a source of income, which is impossible if there is no wildlife. Thanks to Patrick there has been a boom in tourists visiting again, the eco system is more balanced, and the indigenous wildlife is protected by his kindness and compassion.